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CorniceStoneTM is an exterior composite material that provides tremendous flexibility by introducing decorative elements to exteriors in new construction or renovation. CorniceStoneTM offers a wide range of advantages for architects and designers including the capability for it to be made into large parts that would otherwise require more costly support structures and increased installation costs (as compared to other materials such as precast or GFRC).
CorniceStoneTM is an FRP composite made with natural aggregates and pigments to resemble limestone. This lightweight Class A fire and smoke rated product is ideal for exterior cornices, column cladding, panels, trim details and spandrels in both new construction and renovation. CorniceStoneTM is available in two standard textures and a range of colors, and is installed with minimal lifting assistance and jobsite disruption.

Formglas CorniceStone

The CorniceStoneTM surface consists of a UV stabilized Isophthalic neopentylglycol (NPG) polyester gelcoat and aggregates. The back-up laminate consists of layers of glass fiber and polyester resin. Through a unique and proprietary manufacturing process, it achieves a face finish that resembles a limestone texture. The CorniceStoneTM composite material has a Class 1 (or A) fire rating. When CorniceStoneTM is molded into shapes, the geometry of the shape imparts physical properties to the parts, such as strength and stiffness. For example, the design profiles of CorniceStoneTM parts that include recesses, projections, grooves, curves or ornamentation, make the part stronger. The nominal shell thickness of parts is 3/16". However, areas of parts that have flat regions are cast thicker by encapsulating core materials into the laminate that provide added strength and stiffness.

Formglas CorniceStone

In most cases, CorniceStoneTM molded parts are secured to the building structural framing or light gauge steel substrate with concealed fasteners. Joints between are generally minimized and advantageously positioned in consideration of part size and design, overall appearance, and installation. CorniceStoneTM parts are typically supplied with pre-made corners to minimize field mitering.

Formglas CorniceStone

Typical CornicestoneTM applications include facade panels, columns, cornices, pediments, storefront entries, cupolas and other decorative elements such as friezes and signage

In North America specify Cornicestoneâ„¢ under CSI MasterFormat Division 6.

CornicestoneTM is used in EXTERIOR APPLICATIONS.
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